Individuals AND Couples
Whether you attend Daring Greatly™, Rising Strong™ , or another program as an individual or couple, you will walk away with a lifetime of learnings. The concepts covered are universal to ALL of us and greatly influence the way we love, lead, parent, teach and work.
For couples, a whole new love language is learned and intimacy is strengthened. Hearing each other’s stories, understanding each other’s values, becoming more vulnerable, and exploring the ideas and perceptions surrounding integrity, boundaries, self-compassion, trust, courage, and authenticity creates a new, and foundational awareness upon which you may build your intimacy. Together, we also journey into the understanding of shame, how it operates, and how you can create shame resilience in both yourself, and your relationship.
I have worked with many couples to teach these concepts in the therapy room. A Daring Greatly™ program allows you to experience these learnings with your partner in a profound way. Sharing time together at a Daring Greatly™ or Rising Strong™ workshop will strengthen your relationships and improve the dynamics of your interactions for years to come.